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A Bit About Me

Born in the centre of the railway town of Crewe in Cheshire, England, I was a city boy.

In those days Crewe was a busy, bustling place, full of life and characters. My early childhood was spent playing in its streets and alleys.

I would have remained a city boy, except for one thing. My grandparents lived in rural Kent and along with my parents I would travel there for visits and holidays, and I loved it.

I developed a passion for the countryside, it’s wildlife, landscapes and the feeling of light and space. This passion has stayed with me ever since and continues to influence my art, painting style and choice of subject.

I first started painting as a teenager, when a friend, who was at art college, lent me some paints and brushes. I gave it a go and remember thinking, this is fun, and it's something that’s stayed with me throughout my life.

Over the years I’ve tried most painting media but my favourite by far is oil, It just seems to suit me. I use alkyd oils, which combine the qualities of traditional oils with the big advantage of fast drying times.

In 2021 my wife and I moved from England to the small village of Llanwddyn in the north of Mid Wales, adjacent to Lake Vyrnwy, where I now have my studio. It's so beautiful  here, you can't help but be inspired. Everywhere you look you see something you’ve just got to paint.

I now concentrate mainly on local images that, hopefully, folk will get some enjoyment from. There's no shortage of amazing subjects to keep me busy for a long long time, I hope I can do them justice

Robert Kirby - Art from Llanwddyn