What a Great Event….. Again!

The second Llanwddyn Art Exhibition is now done and dusted, but what a great event it was.

With eighteen exhibitors there were some exceptional works on show.

There were superb displays by artists from all over this small corner of Mid Wales.


atercolours, acrylics, oils, jewellery, wood art, animal portraits, landscapes, all on show and all unique.

One of my favourite displays was from Dr Lampenstein (Steve Poensgen). His quirky up-cycled lighting units are pretty amazing pieces of functional art.

You can check Steve out on Facebook here

It was lovely to meet and chat with the other artists and the many visitors.

In-between chats I managed to make a start on a painting of the Lake Vyrnwy boathouse, the completed work is for sale on my shop page.

A big thank you to all of the visitors, some of whom travelled very long distances. I hope you enjoyed it. And a special thanks to the organisers. Here’s to next year.


It’s an honour


The Nine o’clock Club Commission