The Nine o’clock Club Commission

Afon Efyrnwy - River Vyrnwy commissioned art in the studio.

The ladies of Llanwddyn are a hardy bunch, made of strong stuff and are maybe just a little crazy.

Every morning at 9 o’clock, come rain, shine or snow, they meet up and go for a dip in the local river, which happens to be the beautiful River Vyrnwy.

I was given a commission to paint one of their sessions. I’ve painted the river a few times before but never with swimmers.

Afon Efyrnwy - River Vyrnwy commissioned art

So here it is, just completed.

I’m told that it’s very exhilarating and invigorating in the river, particularly in cold weather! I think I’ll take their word for it.

The painting shows three of the ladies, who shall remain nameless. It’s set during the summer months when the weather was kinder, it almost looks tempting.

Maybe I’ll try it one day.


What a Great Event….. Again!


Llanwddyn Art Exhibition 2023